
South Luangwa

The unspoiled jewels in Zambia’s crown

A region of profound natural beauty…

From grassy plains to spellbinding woodlands and the remarkable Luangwa River, South Luangwa is an area of profound beauty. The river itself, its tributaries and picturesque lagoons create an environment perfect for wildlife to thrive. This is one of the reasons the area is so well known for an abundance of different species– you’ll quickly get used to the rivers being alive with hippopotamus and nightly sightings of majestic leopards.

Of all the wildlife available to view, this park is particularly good for spotting predators. From the rare African wild dog to the beautiful lions, there’ll be no shortage of breath-taking and humbling scenes to witness. To add to this, the park also has large herds of elephants, buffalo, zebra and many other herbivores.

A keen birder? Then you’re in luck, as there are over 400 species of birds for you to spot, including 39 birds of prey – so be sure to keep an eye on the skies and trees.


Speak to one of our Senior Travel Advisors to plan your perfect Zambia Safari.