
What to Expect on a Impact Safari with African Bush Camps?

Our Impact safaris bring you along our journey as we strive to make a lasting impact in the areas, wildlife, and communities around our camps. These safaris provide a unique opportunity to spend some time in the local community, learn about the African Bush Camps foundation projects in the area and volunteering at the local school projects.

Our Impact safaris seamlessly blend the best of Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Zambia into one unforgettable adventure. You can experience the thrill of a lifetime as you explore the untamed beauty of Africa, encounter some of the world’s most incredible wildlife, and immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures and traditions of these fascinating countries.

On these safaris, you are invited to not only explore the wonders of the beautiful landscapes and wildlife in in Southern Africa, but also to make a tangible difference in the lives of local communities and the conservation of the precious ecosystems that surround our camps.

Introducing our Three Impact Safaris  

Learner Development Safari 

Our Learner Development Safari also offers the unique opportunity to volunteer and serve at the local schools in Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia where we are actively investing through infrastructure development, nutritional programs and educational resources to improve the quality of learning at the schools. 

Women Empowerment Safari  

Meet and be inspired by some of the strong, resolute and powerful women of Southern Africa through our Women Empowerment Safari. This safari offers an inspirational, educational and collaborative look at women-run projects in the communities we support, including healthcare projects, and economically beneficial activities like basket weaving and jewelry-making.   

Conservation Empowerment Safari 

Gain a deeper understanding of the delicate ecosystems through our conservation programmes. Learn about the intricate balance of nature, the challenges faced by wildlife, and the innovative conservation strategies being implemented on the ground.  This safari takes you on a journey through the national parks and communities surrounding our camps. It provides insight into our conservation efforts and how we are actively partnering with the community to educate, equip and support them to live in harmony with wildlife.  

Learn More About our Impact Safaris

  • 9 nights
    Learner Development Safari
    From USD 9 062
    per person

    Our learner development safari offers the unique opportunity to volunteer and serve at the local schools in Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe where we are actively investing through infrastructure development, nutritional programs and learning resources to improve the quality of learning at the schools.

  • 9 nights
    Women Empowerment Safari
    From USD 35 131
    per group of 4

    Our Women Empowerment Safari is an educational, inspirational, and collaborative journey that showcases the beauty, strength, and resolve of women in Africa, at African Bush Camps, and in the communities we support. 


  • 9 nights
    Conservation Safari
    From USD 37 312
    per group of 4

    Our conservation focus area aims to improve human-wildlife coexistence, by protecting wildlife and livestock while conserving the natural resources in the areas where we operate. This safari takes us on a journey through the national parks and communities surrounding our camps. It provides insight into our conservation efforts and how we are actively partnering with the community to educate, equip and support them to live in harmony with wildlife.

All our Impact safaris include awe-inspiring wildlife encounters. You’ll get to experience exhilarating game drives, guided by our expert trackers and guides who share their invaluable knowledge of the bush. Witness the majesty of elephants roaming freely, observe the stealthy movements of predators, and be captivated by the symphony of birdlife that fills the air.