
Chobe National Park

The land of the giants

A pristine wildlife sanctuary

Aptly and fondly known as “The Land of the Giants”, Chobe National Park is the home to Africa’s largest elephant population. At over 10,000 sq km this is the second largest national park in Botswana, made up of rich ecosystems and pristine landscapes – here you will find one of the highest concentrations of game on the African continent. Expect to see buffalo, zebras and a high density of predators including lion, leopard, spotted hyena and cheetah.

Divided into four distinct ecological systems made up of savanna plains, river, swamp and scrub, Chobe National Park is wildly diverse and wonderfully consistent in its wildlife sightings. The permanent water source – in the form of Chobe River located in the north-east of the park – is a hub of wildlife activity. In the drier months from June to November, the park is inundated with some of the largest elephant and buffalo herds seen on the continent. Due to a scarcity of water throughout the rest of the park. as the heat of the African sun beats down across the savannas, herds of wildlife congregate around the river – a truly magical spectacle to watch.


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One of Africa’s most prolific wildlife areas, you can expect to see big herds dominating Chobe National Park including elephants, zebra, wildebeest, impala, giraffe, red lechwe, reedbuck, kudu and rarer species such as sable and roan. In addition to lions, spotted hyena and leopards, the area also plays host to healthy populations of cheetah and wild dog. Birding too is unique here, including Arnot’s chat, brilliant flocks of southern carmine bee-eaters (seasonal) and the red-necked falcon.

wildlife wildlife wildlife wildlife wildlife wildlife wildlife