
African Bush Camps Foundation and Mashura: A Philanthropic Partnership

African Bush Camps (ABC) is home to the authentic African safari experience, operating 18 tented bush camps and lodges in Africa’s heartlands, namely Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. ABC promotes and influences African safari travel globally, all while fostering Conservation, Community, and Sustainability.

The African Bush Camps Foundation (ABCF) is a non-profit organization working alongside ABC since 2006. The Foundation operates in the areas in which ABC resides and is driven and informed by local communities to support human-wildlife co-existence and critical conservation projects. In doing so, ABCF aids in empowering and educating community members.

ABC and ABCF’s collective purpose is to Share and Conserve Africa, Together.  Both believe that this mission most accurately reflects the symbiotic relationship that exists among Conservation, Communities, and Sustainability.

ABCF Partnership with Mashura

ABCF is excited to announce a collaborative partnership with Mashura. Established in 2008 by Anton Visser, Mashura has become a leader in automated medication dispensing for medical, veterinary, and dental practices. Over the past decade, Mashura has significantly grown its client base to include many of the United States’ largest pharmacies, long-term care facilities, universities, and veterinary hospitals.  Mashura subsidiaries – CUBEX Veterinary Solutions and – specialize in veterinary and dental markets, respectively. The partnership between ABCF and Mashura represents a significant step forward in enhancing community well-being and promoting environmental guardianship in the heartlands of Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana.

Anton Visser, Co-founder and CEO of Mashura, explains below:

“Over the years, our family has cherished our experiences with African Bush Camps. However, before committing to supporting their Foundation, we conducted thorough research. We evaluated various organizations, seeking those with missions that resonated with our passion. With our roots in South Africa and Zimbabwe, ABCF emerged as the clear choice. Our values, including supporting local communities and conserving wildlife, strongly align with theirs.”

Mashura and ABCF: Making an Impact on Safari

Each year, a team of Mashura staff will join ABCF on an Impact Safari at a selection of ABC Experiences across Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe to visit the local projects.  Hosted by ABCF, the Mashura team will engage with the communities, learn about ABCF’s initiatives, and volunteer at various projects. These trips are vital for strengthening the partnership and providing Mashura staff with hands-on opportunities to help support ABCF’s efforts. Activities include volunteering at local schools, participating in community events, and contributing to conservation efforts.

“There are some things that you cannot learn in a textbook. Being able to travel to places like Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe to meet the people, see the animals, and understand the human-wildlife conflict in person, there is no way to replace that. You get to participate; you learn a lot and it is something you can take home to your friends and communities.”

– Louis Visser, ZIMBIS Co-founder & President 

Mashura and ABCF: Supporting Communities and Wildlife Surrounding ABC Experiences

Through this partnership, Mashura will support the renovation and improvement of local school facilities and infrastructure, including installing solar power, constructing boreholes, and purchasing educational materials. The funds will also help sponsor the training and deployment of Female Guides and Rangers in our camps and National Parks, strengthening ABCF’s conservation efforts.

This collaboration will provide crucial resources to the National Parks and bring ABCF closer to its goals. These include:

  • Training 25 Female Guides by 2025.
  • Deploying 10 Female National Park Rangers.
  • Supporting over 1,500 students across schools in Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

ABCF is delighted to be on this journey with Mashura, as both continue to Share and Conserve Africa, Together.

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